
Showing posts from April, 2020


There were many differences between the patricians and the Plebeians in ancient days. One of the main differences between the two which is how most people tell them apart is that the plebeians are lower class citizens and the Patricians are upper-class citizens. This means that the Plebeians are the more poor people and the Patricians are the more wealthy with many more rights. The Plebeians had barely any rights because of how poor they were. The Plebeians made up most of the population. Other differences that still have to do with the rich and poor role is that the patrician's could become senators and emperors but the plebeians could not. The patricians and the Plebians were orginated from Ancient rome but they were the same and had the same rules in ancient Greece.


Republic- Is a form of government that where power rests with citizens who have a right to vote for their leaders.  Patrician- wealthy land owners who held most power  Plebeian- the common farmers, merchants and aristans who made up the majority of the population  Tribune- protected the rights of the  plebeians from unfair acts of patron officials.  Consul- They were like kings and they commanded the army and directed the government.  Senate- aristocrat branch of romes  government. Dictator- A leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the  army. Legion- Large military groups were  soldiers gathered. Punic  Wars- Rome and Carthage fought 3 wars between 264 and 146 b.c. Hannibal- Brilliant military strategist who wants to avenge Carthage's early defeat.


" My essay question would be this: Who was Alexander and how was his relationship with his horse Bucephalus special? In the first paragraph, this essay would mention who Alexander was and what he did. Alexander the great was king of macedon after his father and he was the start of the hellenistic age. The next paragraph would talk about the background of his horse Bucephalus and how Alexander changed him. Before Alexander, Bucephalus was an untamed horse who was very hard to ride and was very bad. After  Alexander won him at an auction he was the only person able to ride him and tame him. the next paragraph would talk about all of Bucephalus and alexanders accomplishments together. Alexander used Bucephalus in every battle from the conquest of the Greek city-states and Thebes through the battle of Gaugamela and into India. In the final paragraph I will talk about Bucephalus death and how Alexander named a horse after him. I will also talk about how they both made history.


Quiz questions 1. What is the parthenon? Answer: The Pantheon is supposedly one of the most important buildings of classical Greece. The Pantheon was made based of the Doric order, which was a popular way to make buildings in Ancient Greece.  2. Who was the father of Philip the second? A. Alexander the great B. Charles V C. Darius the third D.  King Neoptolemus. Answer: B. Charles V. 3. What are the 3 groups of people in PLAto's ideal society? Answer: Producers, military and rulers. 4.  What were the 3 types of plays in Ancient Greece? Answer: Tradgedys, comedys, satyr plays. 5. Who was the god of the sea? A. Poseidon B. Zeus C. Apollo D. Dionysus Answer: A. Posiedon


1. Forms are the ideal concepts of the things we see around us. They act as a guide for our modern world. Plato thought that forms were very important and philosophers should study these," perfect forms." 2. In Platos ideal society, the 3 groups are the producers, military and the rulers. He created a noble lie to try and make everyone follow these 3 groups. 3. In his modern city, Plato believed that women should be able to rule. Plato thought that a women womb was like a live animal since it could go about in her body and cause sickness. Plato was, " very inconsistent with women." 4. He created a noble lie so that everyone would follow his 3 groups in his ideal society. His lie was that everyone is born with silver, gold, brass and iron and these things determine our roles in life.


Poem of the gods Greek gods are very powerful. They can be very unique and colorful. They live forever, they are eternal. The gods rule the world. Don't take them as a joke, you won't see them at Disney-world. Never mess with a Greek god for it would be a mistake. Gods like Zeus could hit you with a lighting bolt and give you a great ache. Gods have special abilities that humans do not. They can light a building on fire, that would be very hot. Poseidon is the god of the sea. Hera is the goddess of family. Goddesses are powerful too. They are just likes the gods, you won't find them in some zoo. Take my advice, have respect for the gods. For they aren't weak, they dont run in pods.


The Parthenon:   The Pantheon is supposedly one of the most important buildings of classical Greece. The Pantheon was made based of the Doric order, which was a popular way to make buildings in Ancient Greece. The Parthenon was a building dedicated to the goddess of Athens, Athena. Before that it was a former Athenian Acropolis. As the Athenian empire was at its peak in 447 BCE that's when the construction started on this building. Some of the design of this building also belongs to the Ionic order. The Ionic order: People identified the Ionic order by its vaulted capital. There are some similarities between the Doric design and the Ionic design such that The cushion placed on top of the column is shaped like the Doric order. In Ionic order, columns are very narrow with shallow flutes that do not make a sharp edge, but have a flat band between them.


1.  " The ancient greeks took drama very seriously and used drama as a way of investigating the world." There was 3 types of dramas, comedy, satyr plays, and tragedy which is one of the most important. Comedy represents laughter and people saying comical things, while there is usually no pain or distater. Satyr plays were kind of a mix between tragedy and comedy.They featured satyrs which involved greek mythology. They involved pranks, merriment, drunkenness etc. Finally, tragedys dealt with love, pride, death etc.A big part of tragedy also had to do with the anxious relationship between men and gods. 2.b. The plays that are most similar between Ancient Greece and present time plays are tragedies. Between today and in Ancient Greece, tragedys involve some sort of " tragic" issue whether its love, death, crime etc. A recent film I watched was called Harriet, and it was a tragedy. Harriet was a slave who escaped and help others escape to freedom. There was love, dea