
1.  " The ancient greeks took drama very seriously and used drama as a way of investigating the world." There was 3 types of dramas, comedy, satyr plays, and tragedy which is one of the most important. Comedy represents laughter and people saying comical things, while there is usually no pain or distater. Satyr plays were kind of a mix between tragedy and comedy.They featured satyrs which involved greek mythology. They involved pranks, merriment, drunkenness etc. Finally, tragedys dealt with love, pride, death etc.A big part of tragedy also had to do with the anxious relationship between men and gods.

2.b. The plays that are most similar between Ancient Greece and present time plays are tragedies. Between today and in Ancient Greece, tragedys involve some sort of " tragic" issue whether its love, death, crime etc. A recent film I watched was called Harriet, and it was a tragedy. Harriet was a slave who escaped and help others escape to freedom. There was love, death, war, evceyrhting that there was in Ancient Greek plays.

Theatre at Segesta, restored (With images) | Ancient greek theatre ...
By looking at this picture you can already tell that Ancient Greek plays were very popular to watch judging by the amount od space and seats in the theatre. There also seems to be a lot of room for the people in the plays to act out whatever it is they are acting. It seems structured very welled and must've taken very long to build.


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