
Showing posts from May, 2020


Octavian takes over after Julius teaser at the age elf 18. He was Julius's grandnephew! Octavian forms his own triumvirate, this is the second one. One of Octavian's allies turn on him and they become rivals, mark Anthony. Mark teams up with Cleopatra and Octavian defeats them.  People then saw Octavian as "unchallenged" and he was given the name "Augustus" also know as  exalted one. At that point Rome was an empire, not a republic. He ran as an emperor  for 40 years, and he began  Pax Romana. After all of his great accomplishments, Octavian eventually died of natural causes. After Octavian, emperors starts to rule. Some of them were good and some were horrific. Then Tiberus started to rule, he was a great general but he wasn't as great as emperor. HE eventually exiled himself from Rome after his son died. Then Caligula ruled, he was cruel and was assented because the people wanted to make the republic again, but that failed. Then it was Claudius, he mig


I will be taking my test on June 2 from 8:55-9:45. The plebs (also known as the plebeians) were the poor class in Ancient Rome. They didmd have a great life but 2 things kept them satisfied, circuses for entertainment and and bread. Julius Caesar was a great ruler in Rome. He was an amazing general as well. Julius made people happy and satisfied. He formed the first Triumvirate with 2 other high class men. Julius had a great success when he conquered Gaul. He conquered them because his soldiers respected him and were loyal and determined. For a year, Julius served as consul and eventually is governor of Gaul.  Pompey because very jealous and threatened by him so they fight and Ceaser wins. Then he becomes dictator first for a few months and then for life. As time goes on Julius creates a few reforms. He created jobs for the poor, in provinces he granted citizenship, increased pay for soldiers and started colonies where those without land could own property. Ceaser died by an assassin


for my essay I will being answering "Analyze the factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic." I am answering this question because I feel as if there will be a lot to write about considering so many events to have to do with the fall of the Roman Republic.


The Roman empire had a great impact on roman society in many ways. Civil war: conflict between groups of the same country. Julius Ceaser: A well known military leader triumvirate: A group of three rulers. Augustus: Octavian, the unchallenged ruler of Rome. Pax Romana: Roman peace What lead the Roman empire to begin was because of the hardships Rome was facing because of Rome's increasing wealth and expanding boundaries. The conflict between the rich and the poor started to grow more around this time of the empire. Thus because the rich started owning estates and the poor worked on them. Farmers started to become homeless because they couldn't keep up with their land like the wealthy were. Gaius and Tiberius tried to help put Rome's poor by creating some reforms. Generals began to seize power for themselves as the republic grew. This wasn't good because they replaces the loyal solders that were in the military with poor people. Julius Ceaser started to rule with


The Punic wars: how,where,why and who. The Punic wars were fought against Rome and Carthage. They were mainly fought in Rome. They were fought from 264- 146 B.C. There were 3 of them. The first was from 264-241 B.C. and it was fought mainly a sea, Rome won! The second Punic war was from 218-201 B.C. Carthage attacks Rome from the north. Carthage could seize the peninsula for 15 years but not once got to Rome. The third and last Punic war was fought from 149-146 B.C. Rome wanted to get rid of the threat from Carthage so they burned the walls for 17 days and everything was destroyed. Rome won the wars and the last 50,000 people in Carthage became slaves. The Romans worked long and hard for their victory. The wars were mainly to establish control, they were over dispute etc. Rome will always be remeebr for fighting for 23 years and winning.


The story of Tarquin was so horrible that it made Rome not want to have a king ever again. The city was traumatized by all the horrible things Tarquin and his family had done. Tarquins wife had killed her ex husband and Tarquins ex wife just so she could be with Tarquin, Tarquins son tried to rape and women and he did by blackmailing her, Tarquin and his wife tried to throw out Tarquins wife father in ruling and they did and associated him. Tarquin did so many nasty things and he should've never became king. The structure of the Rome government was two consuls, that replaced the ruling of kings. Consuls were elected for one year and they were always patricians. They had to make laws, command the army, etc. Later on the plebian tried t challenge the patricians ruling and the plebs were most of the population but they had no legal rights. Eve though they had no written rights, Rome never had actual written laws, patricians just took advantage of the power they had. Therefore the pl


Many different groups of people settled Rome, but the Latins were the first. They settled on the banks of the Tiber. The Etruscans were the people who were from the north central park of the land and they settled Rome. Along with those people the Greeks also settled Rome and Romans had borrowed many things and beliefs from the Greeks as well. The Tiber river was very important to Romans. Many streams flowed into it. The seventh and last king of Rome was Lucius Tarquinius. Tarquin seized power as an old school tyrant. If I'm understanding this story, Tarquins father dies and his wife ( whos not his mom) daughters marries two sons and one was Tarquin. The daughter he didn't marry kills her husband and Tarquins wife so she can have him all to herself. Tuillia influences him to seize power of her own father and does. Tarquin  throws her father into the streets because he objects this. He was then assassinated and tarquin was the ruler. Later on Tarquin has a son who got drunk and t


Rome by Chi Cago was a very interesting thing to listen to. What I loved about it was the music choice because "low" is always a great song. Another thing I loved about it is how creative the lyrics were and how funny it was. Another thing I loved was how real the song sounded. It sounded like a real song that I would hear on the radio. The best part of it all was hearing Mr. Schicks voice in the beginning of the song because I wasn't sure if it was going to sound like him, but it did for sure. Rome by Chi Cago was an amazing song that I so wish that I could've watched/listened to in real life class.


The Twelve Tables were a set of laws written on 12 bronze tablets that were created in Ancient Rome just like the 12 tables were. They were created in 450-451 BCE. The laws reflected the rule aspects of the people it applied to. The laws had things like punishments, death sentences, the way places should look etc. The laws are on bronze so they will forever be there but they used to be on wooden tablets. Most romans memorized the laws which was beneficial to them. Over the years more laws were added to the tables that benefited ancient Rome. The plebeians in Rome actually create the tables which is weird since they were about of the lower social class. The laws were based on traditional values, beliefs etc. They 12 tables had a create impact on ancient Rome and are a great example of law and order.


The Roman Forum was a very famous architectural man-made building in ancient Rome. The roman Forum was used for many purposes such as public meeting, law courts, open-air markets and gladiatorial combats in republican times. It is a forum in a rectangle shape with many important ancient Rome government buildings ruins in the center of the city Rome around it. What made the forum the most important was that it held the senate house in ancient Rome. Before the Forum was built, the land was very marshy and farm like. Another very important role that the Roman Forum played was that it was where the center of administration and politics were. This means this is where the senate and other highly positioned romans could meet and discuss politics and make decisions for the city. It was also a place where the people of the city would come to hear these decisions.