
The Roman empire had a great impact on roman society in many ways.

Civil war: conflict between groups of the same country.
Julius Ceaser: A well known military leader
triumvirate: A group of three rulers.
Augustus: Octavian, the unchallenged ruler of Rome.
Pax Romana: Roman peace

What lead the Roman empire to begin was because of the hardships Rome was facing because of Rome's increasing wealth and expanding boundaries. The conflict between the rich and the poor started to grow more around this time of the empire. Thus because the rich started owning estates and the poor worked on them. Farmers started to become homeless because they couldn't keep up with their land like the wealthy were. Gaius and Tiberius tried to help put Rome's poor by creating some reforms. Generals began to seize power for themselves as the republic grew. This wasn't good because they replaces the loyal solders that were in the military with poor people. Julius Ceaser started to rule with Crassus in 60 B.C. Julius became consul in 59 B.C. and Rome dominated as a triumvirate. Ceaser started to become very popular and his enemy, Pompey didn't like this. Pompey told Ceaser he had to leave Rome but Cease stayed and made Pompey flee his land. Ceaser was a great ruler but he made many reforms in Rome. After Ceaser stated to do many things in Rome people began to become scare or see him as a tyrant. He was stabbed to death on march 15, 44 B.C. The Roman empire was destroyed after ceasers death because of war. Octavian, Ceasers adopted son, created a triumvirate and ruled for 10 years successfully. In the end of their ruling their was lots of jealousy between the 3. After Octavian kicked Lepidus to the curb, another civil war broke out.  The empire of Rome had pace for about 207 years thanks to Augustus. After Augustus death his success on Rome continued. Trade and agriculture were very important to the Romans. Many people were farmers and relied o that. Trading was a huge part in Rome and was how Rome got many of its supplies. The Romans were practical people. There were many slaves in Rome, they were treated poorly and worked everywhere in Rome. Early Romans worshipped numina. In Rome, government and religion were linked. This just shows how important religion was to Rome. Gods and Goddesses were every important to romans. They were expected to worship them and believe in them. There was many entertainment in Rome like, mock battles, races etc. There were many things done in the colosseum which was an important Rome building. IN the Pax Romana Christianity came about.


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