Interpreting Maps

All maps show some elements of distortion, which is errors on a map caused from a 3D map to  flat map. There are 4 types of distortion, one is "Shape of an area can be distorted" . Another one is Relative size of different areas can be altered. Another one is direction between points can be distorted. A final one is Distance between points may be increased or decreased. A map scale is the ratio of the distance on a map corresponding to the distance on the ground. Projection is the systematic transformation of the latitudes and longitudes from the locations on the surface of the sphere onto the plane. Meridian is half of an imaginary great circle on the earths surface. Longitude is the measure of relative position east to west on the earths surface. Latitude is the measurement on a globe or map of north to south of the equator. Prime meridian is the planets line of zero degrees longitude. Parallels is the latitude lines.


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