
Showing posts from October, 2019

cultural diffusion

Today in class we discussed cultural diffusion, the 5 different types , and examples of diffusion. Cultural diffusion is the process of spreading cultural traits from 1 region to another. Five types of cultural diffusion that occur are:  - Expansion diffusion:    idea that develops in a source area and remains strong there. -Relocation diffusion: Idea that migrates to new areas. - Hierarchical  difusion: Idea that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places. -Contagious diffusion: Idea that  spreads based on person-to-person contact within a given population. -Stimulus diffusion: Idea that  spreads based on its attachment to another concept. Historical  diffusion has to do with the columbian exchange. That has to do with, "the  widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries."  Also in class we did the thinking geographically prese


Today in class we really got into the concept of globalization. Globalization is expansion of economic, political and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact. In short , the interaction and integration among people is globalization. The 2 process that facilitate globalization is transportation and technology. Transportation is walking , ships, plans , jet engines , animals etc. Globalization stimulates technology , technological globalization is speeded in large part by technological diffusion. Personal connections to these processes involve the growth of these processes. Over time both of these process change and grow because us humans come up with new ideas to improve and change.

mapping europe

1. Russia                                     2. Finland 3. Estonia 4. Belarus 5. Latvia 6. Lithuania 7. Ukraine 8. Moldova 9. Norway 10. Sweden 11. Denmark 12. Poland 13. Czech Republic 14. Slovakia 15. Romania 16. Bulgaria 17. Turkey 18. Cyprus 19. Germany 20. Austria 21. Hungary 22. Serbia 23. Kasova 24. North Macedon 25. Greece 26. Sloven 27. Croatia 28. Bosnia and Herzegovina 29. Montenegro 30. Albania 31. Iceland 32. Netherlands 33. Belgium 34. Switzerland 35. San marina 36. Italy 37. Vatican city 38. Malta 39. Ireland 40. United Kingdom 41. Luxembourg 42. Uechtenstein 43. France 44. Monaco 45. Andorra 46. Portugal 47. Spain

5 Themes of Geography

Ella Steck 10/7/19 Today in human Geography we discussed 3 different types of regions , Formal, Functional, and Vernacular. First off, Region is an area on the planet composed of places with unifying characteristics, in short , a unique area.  Formal region is defined by clear lined boundaries , an example is countries like the US. Functional region is a central place and the surrounding areas affected by it. Vernacular region is the way we see it, example is the Middle East. What is similar about these three maps is that we can view all of the regions and the difference is that we view them in different ways. On the south worksheet we labeled the 50 states , 36'30 line, and the mason Dixon line. 5 things I think of when I hear the south is accents, hot weather, tornados, equator and confederacy.

Site and situation

The sites of the places lettered through A to E on the "Settlement in 1650" all have. vanity of different features. Advantages for settlers in each location would be you can grow and eat crops from the good farm land, you can hunt animals that live on the mountains , sand bars allow you to go farther out in the ocean and get more food/animals, and a swamp could have a variety of different food sources. Also if you live by the water you have a food source . What might cause problems is that if you do live near the water and a storm strikes you could get hit hard with the conditions . What also might cause problems is there might be some animals that are too dangerous to hunt and those animals might come and hunt you. If I were to rank the 5 sites from best to worse this is how I would do it: 1. C 2.E 3.B 4.A 5.D I chose site C as being the best because it is near the water which is a water source and there is good Fram land right near by for growing crops and eating or s