cultural diffusion

Today in class we discussed cultural diffusion, the 5 different types , and examples of diffusion. Cultural diffusion is the process of spreading cultural traits from 1 region to another. Five types of cultural diffusion that occur are: 
- Expansion diffusion:  idea that develops in a source area and remains strong there.
-Relocation diffusion: Idea that migrates to new areas.
-Hierarchical difusion: Idea that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places.
-Contagious diffusion: Idea that spreads based on person-to-person contact within a given population.
-Stimulus diffusion: Idea that spreads based on its attachment to another concept.
Historical diffusion has to do with the columbian exchange. That has to do with, "the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries." 
Also in class we did the thinking geographically presentation. My table group and I had to make a slideshow of cultural diffusion and 3 of the 5 types, Contagious, relocation , and Hierarchical. We had to provide different example of each. The examples were similar but also different because of how the ideas in the examples were shared.


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