Site and situation

The sites of the places lettered through A to E on the "Settlement in 1650" all have. vanity of different features. Advantages for settlers in each location would be you can grow and eat crops from the good farm land, you can hunt animals that live on the mountains , sand bars allow you to go farther out in the ocean and get more food/animals, and a swamp could have a variety of different food sources. Also if you live by the water you have a food source . What might cause problems is that if you do live near the water and a storm strikes you could get hit hard with the conditions . What also might cause problems is there might be some animals that are too dangerous to hunt and those animals might come and hunt you. If I were to rank the 5 sites from best to worse this is how I would do it:
1. C
I chose site C as being the best because it is near the water which is a water source and there is good Fram land right near by for growing crops and eating or selling them and isn't too far from mountain or swamps either.

Letter A is on the end of the land , its not close to freshwater, not close to farmland and its isolated in the upper corner. B is right on the water as well , its kind of near farm land and has other settlements near it. C is right on the water as well , it is pretty close to farm land and has other settlements near it as well. D isn't as close to water as the rest of the settlements , it is close to mountains and is in the middle of the land near some other settlements . E is all the way at the bottom isolated on a swamp near a mountain and farm land.C and D have the best connections because they are the two lands closet to each other and can trade items if needed and communicate well.
Now that I look closer at the settlements I would recommend location E for settlement based on both site and situation. I recommend E because it has so many different features near by. There is a swamp near by for food along with crops for eating or selling right near by , there's a mountain right near it along with a sand bar.

If I had to rank the 4 places in the " settlement of 1830" map from best to worst  I would do it like this:
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
I chose D as the best because there is so many different things near it for many different purposes. I would recommend D for settlement because of the near by ocean for food and water , the saltwater swamp with food as well and the freshwater swamps for water that aren't too far away and there's a river close by too for resources to make a home. Also D wasn't too far from other lands for trading

If I had to rank the settlements on the " Settlement in 1880" map from best to worst this is how I would do it:
The place I would recommend for settlement would be C . I recommend this place because there is coal for building and selling/trading right near by, there is good farm land for growing and trading crops just across the ocean which is a water and food source and there are mountains for protection/ barriers and also has trees for building homes.

Toponym means the nam coif the place , site if=s the description of the features , situations is environmental conditions of the place , place refers to physical and human aspects of a location . The 3 ways unman geographers describe location is toponym, site and situation. For the first map of 1650 I chose the settlement C because ut had a water source near by as well as far land for growing and trading crops. For the 1830 map I chose settlement D because of all the different water and food sources near by for trading and eating. For the last map of 1880 I chose settlement C because of coal for trading and the ocean near by as well as farm land for crops.


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