
COVID-19 has surely brought a change to the entire world! Students and teachers are facing new challenges such as, being more independent with work, having more work, not being able to get feedback, having to stress over the amount of work someone gives us or we have to do etc. Cyber school is different to some classes, especially class of 2020, but most likely not teachers who have worked at JC a while. From what I've been told, there have been cyber days when we've had off school for snow, but not nearly as long of a break like this. Students have new responsibilities like waking up at a decent time so they don't ruin their sleep schedule, getting all their work done inn a good bout of time so they aren't stressed, not plagiarizing or cheating so they don't go against the honor pledge etc. Students really need to get done time management. Teachers have new responsibilities and goals too like giving enough work where they are able to grade it in a decent time, actually looking at the work students aren't submitting so they know if its actually credible, letting students know that they can email them or go on a call whenever we have questions etc. Some students may start to copy others work and plagiarize for many reasons like, they are lazy, they want to finish their work faster to go back to sleep or do something else, they dont understand what they are doing and dont feel like asking the teacher for dont know how etc. Some teachers may start to get lazy with grading students work because they have so much to grade so they might not even look at some work and just give it an A when the work doesn't even reach the credentials. Some people really are taking advantage of a bad situation and turning it more bad. They are doing this by not staying in their homes and self quarantine, putting their health and others healths in danger. This major issue will soon come to an end and we will learn and grow from it.


  1. You make a LOT of good points here about the problems and challenges of cyber school. A good deal of thought went into this essay. HOWEVER, you do need to proofread before you hit Publish. You are pretty smart (from what I remember) and I feel you are a much better writer (and speller!) than this. Give it a thorough read, and you will be giving me better work and getting higher scores!


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