
Showing posts from November, 2019

dealers choice: guns, germs+ steel

Ella Steck 11/25/19 Human Geography 1. According to Jared Diamond, what are the three major elements that separate the world’s  “haves” from the “have nots”? Guns, germs, and steel 2. Jared Diamond refers to the people of New Guinea as “among the world’s most culturally diverse and adaptable people in the world”, yet they have much less than modern Americans.Diamond has developed a theory about what has caused these huge discrepancies among different countries, and he says it boils down to geographic luck. Give several examples from the film to support Diamond’s theory. Discussion of people living in the Middle East and all of their resources compared to the small amount of resources provided by the jungle areas of New Guinea, by having more  food resources and the ability to store them led people to become more agrarian and less reliant on being hunter-gatherers etc.  3. For thousands of years, people have been cultivating crops. Describe the process used to domestica

2019 Japanese Population Pyramid

1. Two fundamental aspects of Japans aging crisis are, Increase in the proportion of the elderly in the total population, slower growth in the population arising because of the fertility rate. 2. 1 in every 3 people will be elderly dependents 3. The impact of Japans aging population is  “A rapidly aging population and shrinking labour force are hampering growth,”   4. To address the labor shortages the Japanese government is encouraging more employment of women and older workers and by using more robots

The Theory of Population

Ella Steck 1. The general nature of all animated life is to, "investigate the causes of which have hitherto       impeded the progress of mankind towards happiness. Also to examine the probability of the  total or partial removal of these causes in the future." 2. The most positive check on human population growth is it increases according birth rate and is potentially exponential. 3. When unchecked population increases geometrically at the rate of 1,2,4,8,16,32 etc Food growth will increase following arithmetic series of 1,2,3,4,5,6 4. Preventive checks are equal to or greater than reduce birth rate. The preventive check he disapproved was called, "vice" Positive check was equal to or greater than increase death rate. Famine, disease and war. 5.Yes he was right.
1. It's the program initiated in the 1970s by the central government of China, the purpose was to limit the great majority of family units in the country to one child each. It was a method of controlling population. 2. The central government of China created it in September 25 1980 3. The purpose was to limit the great majority of family units in the country to one child each.An expectation was two singleton children had  to marry and have two children. 4. The 3 consequences were it reduced the fertility rate, skewed chinas gender ratio and resulted to labor shortage.

Global Fertility Crisis

Ella Steck Human Geography 11/13/19 Global Fertility Crisis As its been said before, Population grow is vital for the worlds economy. In this document you're going here about different stories of women's fertility and not just about how many babies they've had, but how they've adapted, their workforce and how much money they are receiving and the intakes on child birth. Women in France have just about the same rights as men in France. They have mostly the same income, rights , high education, status etc. This wouldnt be possible without the many benefits such as publlicday cares that accept babies as young as 3 months called crèches. Celine Grislain has 3 children, 5 3 and 1. She is married and works at the Ministry of health Paris. Although she had to go into work 4 months delayed then planned when she had her first child, she wasnt set back. But as Celine had her 2 other children as times passes nobody responded when she told them she needed a bigger team to

Video notes

Mankind is already doing better then we think In the year 10,000 BC the world population was 10 billion Population continued to grow, but very slowly  When the population was at 3 billion people thought the world couldn't support that In Bangladesh they think ,the less the kids the better. 1972 was the first full year for independence in Bangladesh  Developed countries had small families and long lives and Developing countries had large families and small lives In 2012 the average number of babies was 2.5 and in 1963 it was 5 The world population grew so slowly in 1880 because 4 of 5 children died before older age The population grew was because the chance of children surviving raised  1114- pin code of the world  1145- pin code of the world in 2100 New hospital in Africa has 50 doctors  Bicycles really help the people out. " A house is not a home with out a bicycle " The richest made $100 a day. The poorest make $1 a day. The difference for having $100is

Africa Mapping the world

1. somalia 2. Ethiopia 3. Kenya 4. Madagascar 5. Tanzania 6. Mozambique 7. Eswatini 8. Lesotho 9. South Africa 10. Egypt 11. Sudan 12. South Sudan 13. Uganda 14. Rwanda 15. Burundi 16. Zambia 17. Zimbabwe 18. Libya 19.Chad 20. Central African republic 21. Democratic republic of the Congo 22. Angola 23. Namibia 24. Botswana 25. Niger 26.Nigeria 27.Cameroon 28. Equatorial Guiena 29.Gabon 30. Congo 31.Algeria 32.Mali 33.Burkina Faso 34.Ghana 35. Togo 36.Benin 37.Moracco 38. Western Sahara 39. Mauritania 40. Senegal 41.The Gambia 42. Guiena Bissau 43. Sierra Leone 44. Liberia 45. Dilbouti 46.Eritrea 47. Tunisia 48. Malawi 49. Guinea 50. Comoros 51. Sao Tome and Principle 52. Côte D'ivoire

introduction to population

Today in class we started Unit 2. Our first topic in Unit 2 is Introduction to population. Population is the size and distribution of the earths human population. Demography is the social science which entails the statistical study of human population. CNI.NIR- CBR-CDR= (something) divided by ten and that gives us the rate of natural increase. .9%- annual growth rate CDR- crude death rate, #of death/1000 CBR- crude birthrate, # of births/100 8-14=-6/10 = -.6  CBR is greater then CDR goes up CDR is greater then CBR goes down Total fertility rates- average number of children born per women (age 15-45) Today in class we focused on components of population growth and the progression of population over time. We also discussed TFR+IMR on population statistics. The 3 components of population change are crude birth rate (CBR0, crude death rate(CDR), and Natural increase rate(NIR). Crude birth rate is the total number of live birth in a year for every 1000 people alive in society. C