Video notes

  • Mankind is already doing better then we think
  • In the year 10,000 BC the world population was 10 billion
  • Population continued to grow, but very slowly 
  • When the population was at 3 billion people thought the world couldn't support that
  • In Bangladesh they think ,the less the kids the better.
  • 1972 was the first full year for independence in Bangladesh 
  • Developed countries had small families and long lives and Developing countries had large families and small lives
  • In 2012 the average number of babies was 2.5 and in 1963 it was 5
  • The world population grew so slowly in 1880 because 4 of 5 children died before older age
  • The population grew was because the chance of children surviving raised 
  • 1114- pin code of the world 
  • 1145- pin code of the world in 2100
  • New hospital in Africa has 50 doctors 
  • Bicycles really help the people out. " A house is not a home with out a bicycle "
  • The richest made $100 a day. The poorest make $1 a day.
  • The difference for having $100is that they think having $1 and $10 is the same as , $1 would love to have $10
  • Education is so important for the process of people and nations.
  • 86% of the world is literate


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