episode 3

1)According to Jared Diamond, what allowed Europeans to develop the power necessary to conquer (take over) large portions of the world? 
Geography-having the most productive crops and animals allowed Europeans to develop guns, germs, and steel, and ultimately, to conquer the world.
2)Why were the Europeans who settled the South African cape(tip) so successful? Describe two reasons. 
The temperature and the climate in the South African cape is the same as what the Europeans had at home. Because the Cape and Europe have a similar latitude they can grow the same types of crops and raise the same types of livestock in Africa as they did back home in Europe
3)How did disease allow the Europeans to conquer the native populations in the Americas and in the African cape? 
The Europeans had been exposed to the disease over the centuries of living there so, their bodies had built up a natural resistance to these diseases. When the Americas and the South African cape came into contact with these germs, they were killed in large numbers, making settlement of these lands much easier for the Europeans.
4)The Europeans who settled the tropical areas of the African continent introduced killer germs to the native populations. However, Europeans also suffered from the effects of germs native to Africa. Describe how native African germs worked against the European settlers. 
Instead of introducing germs to the people they hoped to conquer like they planned to, they were being infected by the germs that were native to Africa and losing their livestock and their own lives.
5)How did the native Africans protect themselves from the germs that caused diseases such as Smallpox and Malaria? Give specific examples cited in the film. The native Africans had developed an immunity to Smallpox through exposure over thousands of years and vaccinations they developed that could provide immunity for life. So, the Africans also knew how to avoid diseases like Malaria by preventing infection. They prevented this by living in dry areas high up where the mosquitoes that cause this disease, are not found.

6)How has the colonization (European take over) of Africa created countries filled with disease? Give specific examples from the film.
By putting so many people together in areas where diseases like Malaria are easily spread, the native populations have lost the immunity they once had to these diseases. They had to be put together because they were kicked out of their small villages
7)A)What is the number one public health problem in Zambia? B) Who are the people mainly affected by this? 
A)The Disease Malaria. B)African chidden under 5 years of age
8)How has disease made poverty (poorness) worse in many African countries such as Zambia? 
It has decreased life expectancy, because the disease affects so many children so frequently, many mothers who would  be working and contributing to the society are instead sitting in hospitals helping sick children.

9)According to data from the film, how has Malaria effected the overall growth in Africa over the last 50 years? 
Malaria has caused 1% negative growth in Africa every year for the past 50 years. 
10)Describe how other tropical countries such as Malaysia and Singapore have developed rich economies despite having many of the same geographical and health problems faced by African nations.
The governments in these places planned to keep diseases like Malaria away, so they were able to develop rich economies because of the benefits of their geographic location.


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