guns, germs, steel, episode 2

1. At the time that the Spanish conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire, they were armed with state of the art weaponry. Describe this weaponry.
Weaponry involved, steel swords, steel body armor and helmets, horses, military strategies, and guns.
2. What is Jared Diamond’s explanation for why the Spanish had advanced to steel swords while Inca’s were still making tools and weapons from bronze?
Spain gained around 7000 years ahead in steel, of Inca due to the proximity id the fertile crescent.
3. How did the battle tactics used by the Spanish conquistadors help the small army defeat the  Inca army that outnumbered it by the thousands?
They used the tactic, element of surprise, the they inherited from Cortez. This tactic was more organized than the incas tactic.
4. According to Jared Diamond, what made the Europeans “accidental conquerors”?
 By their geographic position from nature, the Europeans inherited thousands of years of technological advances and inovation.


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