city-states in Mesopatamia

The Fertile Crescent has to do with the regions curved shape and the richness of the soil of the land, because of its placement near the two rivers Tiguas and Euphrates.
Mesopotamia is the land between the two rivers of Tiguas and Euphrates and its home to Sumer which is the first urban civilization in the region.
A city-state was created. by the Sumerian culture and it is a city and its surrounding land it controlled.
A Dynasty is a series of rulers that rule from a single family.
Cultural diffusion is a new idea or product that spreads from 1 culture to another.
Polytheism is a belief in more the one God, so typically not Christian faith.
An empire brings together several people, nations or independent states and rulers.
The Babylonian empire reached its peak during the Hammurabi time and involves the doing of the Hammurabi code which is when Hammurabi recognized that a single uniform code of laws would help to unite the different groups with his empire.

What were the 3 environmental challenges to Sumerians?
1. Unpredictable flooding combined with period of time with little to no rain, very desert like.
2. With no natural barrier for protection, Sumerians were very vulnerable to danger.
3. The natural resources os Sumer were limited. Building materials and necessary things were scarce.



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