Mesopotamia quiz review

  • Prehistoric era:before civilization , earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age. 200,000 years ago a human species emerged into Africa 
  • agricultural revolution : villagers were polytheist, due to surplus of food, populations grew. Status of women decreased as women did more domestic duties. Invention of wheel and plow made it possible to produce food for storage.
  • Modern day countries that are part of fertile countries- Turkey, Iraq, Iran,seria. Jordan was not.
  • Mesopotamia is home  of the earliest cities. A district knows an Sumer occupied the land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Due to irrigation techniques population increased. Better food storage in the cities allowed for diversity in professions. Sumerians invented "Cuneiform" Which was the earliest form os writing. After this writing was created, Prehistory is over and history begin
  • More on Mesopotamia is that pantheon of Sumerian gods+goddesses emerged. The works first surveying epic was " Epic of Gilgamesh" which was about great flood. Sumerians first divided the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds. They also organized a colander based off of moon phases
  • The Ziggurat is a temple built on top of a mountain.
  • A mess O' Mesopotamia : Sumer was conquered by the Akkadians, their gods took the place of serious gods. Kind Hammurabi of Babylon created a series of laws-" Hammurabis code"- punishment should fit the crime. 
  • Fertile mud- silt
  • Used a stone to reveal the laws of Hammurabi to everyone.


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