Ancient Greece test day!!!

Today in Mr.Shicks class we took the ancient greece test! Considering I wasn't here for the review day to go over everything that would be on the test , I believe that I did pretty well. I struggled on a few questions but most of the test I understood. The next test we have I think that I'm going to make a quiz-let to help me. After the quiz Mr. Shick let us do whatever we wanted. I worked on my math homework and got it done so now I don't have any homework for the rest of the night. Once everyone had finished the test and turned it in we were aloud to go on our computers and write our blog. Most teachers don't let us turn on our computers until the tests are turn in because they never know if someone is cheating or not.Western Civilization was a very good class today and I cannot wait to find out what I got on my test.


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