classical Greece

2000 B.C.- 300 B.C.

In the Greek city-state of Athens, a new form of government developed- democracy- In which citizens exercised power. Alexander the great spread greek culture throughout much of Asia. Greek, Egyptain and Asian cultures blended to create the Hellenistic culture. Athens assumed control of a defense league and built it into a empire. Alexander conquered the Persian empire to form his own
The roots of greek culture are used on interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan and dorian cultures.
Mycenaean: People who settled on the greek mainland
Trojan war: Mycenaeans fought a 10 year war against troy
Dorian: Moved into the war-torn countryside.
Homer: the greatest story teller who was blind.
epic: narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
myth: traditional stories about the Greek gods
In ancient times, Greece was not a united country. Ancient Greece consisted mainly of mountains and there were 2000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Sea.the seas shapped Greece civilizations. They lived around the sea and they rarely had to travel more then 85 miles to reach the coastline. As the greeks became skilled sailors, sea travel connected Greece with other societies.The land of Greece consisted rugged mountains that covered about 3/4 of Ancient Greece. The mountains of Greece divided the land into multiple regions which influenced Greek political life. The greeks developed small independent communities within each valley and its surrounding area with mountains. Tiny fertile valley covers about 1/4 of Greece as well. The climate of Greece had temperatures off about 48 degrees in the inter and 80 in the summer. men spent most of their time in outdoor public events . Large part of Indo- europeans migrated from the Eurasian culture to Europe , India and southwest Asia. some people who settled on the greek mainland were known as Mycenaeans. Myceane was in southern Greece and it was protected by wall of about 30 feet thick. During the 1200 B.C. the Mycenaeans fought a ten year wear against troy. the war was the trojan war. Not long after the war the Mycenaeans collapsed. the dorians moved into the war-torn countryside and were far less advanced then the Mycenaeans. The economy collapsed and trade eventually came to a standstill soon after their arrival . The Trojan War formed the backdrop for one of Homers great epic poems, the Lias. greeks created myths which explained the changing of the Seasons. Greeks attributed human qualities to the gods and Zeus was the leader of the gods.


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