Democracy and Greeces golden age

Democratic principles and classical culture flourished during Greeks golden age.
Direct democracy-Form of government  where citizens rule directly and not through representatives 
classical art- Their values of harmony, order, balance and proportion
tragedy- a serious drama love hate and war
comedy- contained slapstick situations and crude humor.
Peloponnesian war-  war between Sparta and Athens
philosopher-  they were thinkers "lovers of wisdom"
socrates- a critic of sophists
plato- student of socrates
Aristotle-   philosopher who questioned the nature of the world

For close to 50 years Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning. The period known as the golden age contained drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy   , architecture and science, which all reached new peaks.A wise statesman Pericles ledAthens most of the golden age. He was honest and fair and held popular support for 32 years. he dominated in the age of Pericles from 461-429 B.C. To strengthen democracy, he increased the number of public officials. Athens had more citizens  engaged in self government than any other  city state in Greece. This reform made Athens one of the more democratic governments in history. Direct democracy was an important legacy of Periclean Athens. Male citizens who served in the assembly halal important government politics that affected the polis. After the persons defeat, Athens helped organize the pelican league.. Pericles used the money from the leagues treasury to make Athens navy stronger na make Athens more beautiful. Prosperity depended on gaining waterways.Pericles goal was to have the greatest greek artists and architects. The parthenon was a masterpiece that was common and it was a temple built to honor Athens.Phidias and other sculptures during the golden age aimed to create figures  that were graceful and strong. Greek sculptures tried to capture the human body in motion. The greeks invented drama as well as a form of art.     They wrote 2 kindred drama, tragedy and comedy. In ancient times Greece had 3people who wrote tragedies: Aesenylos, oresteia and Sophocles. Aristophanes wrote the first great comedy. Herodotus, a greek who lived in Athens for a little pioneered the accurate reporting events. The greatest historians of the classical age was  Thucydides. As Athens grew in wealth, prestige and power, other city-states  began to view it with hostility. Ill will was strong between spartan and Athens   . During the Peloponnesian war, Athens had a stronger navy and Sparta had a stronger army. Spartas location inland meant that it could not easily be attached by the sea. Pericles strategy was to avoid land battles with Sparta. Sparta won the Peloponnesian war. After the war, many athenians lost confidence in the democratic government.


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