page 139 questions

-Classical art was very valued in Ancient Greece and used by many people.
-My favorite types of plays are tragedy's  because I love the drama and suspense.
-When I'm sad, I do what most ancient greeks would do when they were sad and watch a comedy since the humor can cheer you up.
- The Peloponnesian war gave Athens a chance to show their strong navy an departs a chance to show their strong army.
- The philosophers in ancient Greece thought wise then the ones today in my opinion
-Socrates believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice, he was at teacher.
- Plato wrote many famous works with his teacher being Socrates.
-Aristotle was a philosopher who questioned the nature of the world

The goal in which Pericles made the greatest impact on the modern world was the goal of strengthening Athenian democracy. I chose this because the United States has democracy in it so by Pericles   going through challenged of strengthening it and making laws, the U.S. can look back at this and learn.

3. To strengthen democracy in Athens, Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries, battles were fought, they organized different leagues and Laws were vote upon.

5. Some Athenians most likely found Socrates disturbing because of the way rethought. Socrates thought that people should question their inner selves and he shared that thought with other people and some of those people thought he was crazy. He once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." That basically says that if you dont question your life/se;f, then you aren't worth living...


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