Power Point Continued

Today in class, Mr. Shick let different people teach the class. First Trevor taught and did a pretty well job. Then Connor taught, but he was very strict. The final person who taught was Matteo. Matteo did so amazing and should definitely teach again. Class was very fun and it was a nice break from all the note taking. There was also a important discussion in class about using the bathroom. I agree with the people who said we should be timed because some people leave the room for 15-20 minutes when they say they're,  "using the bathroom." That is not smart on the students part because they are missing valuable material. In the end it is on the students and their grade will reflect their non-intelligent decisions.
Some early people- first, Mycenaeans
The Mycenaean influences began around 2000 BCE. Mycenae is coated on a rocky ridge on Peloponnesus protected by a 20-foot thick wall. Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1100  BCE. 1400 BCE the Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture. Minoans were the people living on Crete.


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