3/19 work

People like Socrates would have a great reasoning for questioning traditional beliefs in this point of history. Up until the point of history that they are at in the video, everything was going well they way it was because of Pericles. But Pericles died and things were changing. Things were out of order, laws were getting harsher etc. The only thing that people like Socrates sought to do was to find a change that would actually work. Like everyone knows, Socrates was Avery wise Philosopher who thought different then many people.  Some people agreed with how he thought and others didn't. Socrates started questioning traditional beliefs because he knew that the way things were going at that point weren't working and there was way Athens would've survived if they kept up with their horrible behavior. What wasn't working was how people didn't have anyone follow or look upon for leadership because Pericles died. So there was no order. Socrates being as wise as he is was very smart for seeing that there needed to be change in how things were working especially because there was a change in the leadership as well.


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