
Relationship between Alexander and Bucephalus.

Alexander was a man and Bucephalus was a horse. Alexander was the only person who could ride him making them inseparable. Alexander rode him into every battle from the conquest of the Greek city-states and Thebes through Gaugamela and into India. They were great fighters together as well. Alexander and Bucephalus first met when Alexander was at the age of 13 years old. Alexander of Macedonia won the horse by making a deal with his father, a horse dealer offered Bucephalus to Alexanders father, King Phillip the second for the price of 13 talents. Bucephalus was a large black stallion and was untamable until Alexander got a hold of him. One day Bucephalus died and Alexander was very upset. Something that shows the great love between the man and the horse is the fact that Alexander named a city after Bucephalus after the horse passed away! The man and the horse was very compatible and because Alexander was the only person who could tame him , the were legendary.


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