Power Point Continued

Today in class we started learning about philosophers like Socrates and Plato. Socrates was A very fair man who thought that you shouldnt tell people what to do, you should make them think themselves and have their ownaopinions. Plato was a student Socrates who kept his memory alive by writing down all of his teachings and turning them into books.
Philosopherlopaloza- Socrates(first)
-Looked to science and logic for explanations of how the world worked.
-Socratic method fostered critical thinking
-" The unexamined life is not worth living"- Socrates
-Socrates was charged with serious crimes because he disrespected the gods and corrupted with the youth of Athens.
- Socrates never denied what he did and he was found   guilty and  sentenced to death by drinking Poison Hemlock.
-He had the option to live but he denied the offer because he didn't think it was fair
Plato carries on:
- Plato was a student of Socrates and he wrote out Socrates teachings( apology) and he also wrote       Rebupilic which was apparently better


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