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Greeks layed the foundation for western civilization. Their achievements are what shape our world. Heracles was a very famous greek politician. Panamanian ruled the streets of Athens at one point. Cliesthenes had been brought up from birth to be a ruler and save Athens. He thought that orderly people should shape their own destiny and have their own freedom. He was born around 570 BC and was born into one of the richest families in Greece, alkamihoded. He grew up in a world of great privilege, especially for men. Once before his grandfather did great thing for an old king. His family was very greedy, starting with his ancestors. Cleithens was an aristocrat, he grew up that way. Greece used to be called Hellas. Athens was built around the acropolis.Reading and writing was a rare skill for those Athenians. Life was very tough, it was no society of equality. Athens was turned against itself with the different politics holding power. The greatest civilizations in Cletheines day was based off of rivers and there was over a thousand city-states. Each polis sought to maintain its own independence and some were successful, while some weren't.The spartans every year declared war on the Helots. It was legitatmet to kill a Helot because they were such war like fighters. Cleithens   would set Greece on the path for an empire.Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, it was about the war.


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