
A letter to my future self

Dear Gabriella Fernanda Steck,

Freshman year was not what we expected it to be. I became close with people I never thought I would. I didn't talk as much to people that I thought I would be close with. The work wasn't as bad as we thought. Most of all, the year didn't end how we expected it to end. In march 2020 schools shut down because of coronavirus. I remember the exact day too, it was Friday the 13th, I was outside running track and someone on track said they just heard the news that schools would be shut down or 2 weeks. It all started with 2 weeks, then it was another 2 weeks, then a month, and before we knew it our freshman year was over. The coronavirus has effected me. I haven't gotten the virus but I am petrified that will. The main reason I am scared to get it is because my grandfather had heart disease, diabetes, and he smokes. I wouldn't want to get it and then give it to him because I live with him. Seeing people in grocery stores where every single person is wearing a mask is scary. Ive always had bad anxiety but its been worse. I feel as if I'm in a horror movie. Just the other day I received the news that one of my family friends had got the coronavirus. I was in shock at first and then I started to become worried and ask my dad a lot of questions. They say the disease effects different people in different ways, but I feel as if I were to get it,  I would be the person to get a bad case. The coronavirus was very unexpected. There has been multiple theories about it but I really do believe people should take this time in quarantine to reflect on themselves and their relationship with God because who knows, this could be the end of the world....


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