From Prehistory to Civilization

Before civilizations in the prehistoric era,   200,000 years ago a human species emerged into central Africa. the earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age also known as the goldstone age. There was also the neolithic age know as the new Stone Age. During the prehistoric are there was the agricultural revolution. During this time villagers were polytheistic, populations grew due to increased ability to produce a surplus of food, status of women was lowered as women were confined to more domestic duties, and the invention of the plow and wheel made it possible to produce enough food for storage. Some modern day countries that are part of the fertile crescent are- turkey, seria and Iraq. Jordan was not ( quiz question). Mesopotamia is home  of the earliest cities. A district knows an Sumer occupied the land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Due to irrigation techniques population increased. Better food storage in the cities allowed for diversity in professions. Sumerians invented "Cuneiform" Which was the earliest form os writing. After this writing was created, Prehistory is over and history begins. More on Mesopotamia is that pantheon of Sumerian gods+goddesses emerged. The works first surveying epic was " Epic of Gilgamesh" which was about great flood. Sumerians first divided the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds. They also organized a colander based off of moon phases. Lastly, The Ziggurat is a temple built on top of a mountain.


  1. You are taking excellent notes, Ella! But the blog for Friday was posted a day late, so you get a late penalty. Total score: 5/6 for Week One. Good start, but we know you can (and will!) do better.


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