pyramids on the nile

Delta-Begins100 miles before the river enters the Mediterranean
Narmer-   Created a double crown from the red and white crowns to symbolize a United Kingdom
Pharaoh- Egyptain god-kings
Theocracy- government where rule is   based on religious authority
Pyramid-   resting place after death for kings of the old kingdom
Mummification-  embalming and drying out corps to prevent decay
Papyrus- writing surface invetnded by the Egyptians

West of the fertile crescent was an other river called the nile.
The geography of Egypt:
- From highlands of East Africa to the  Mediterranean Sea the nile flows, north across Africa for over    4,100 miles.
-The nile is the longest river in the world
- Egypts settlements are across the Nile on a narrow strip of fertile land from the river
The gift of the Nile:
-yearly flooding brought rich soil that allowed settlements to grow.
- In July, rains+melting snow from mountains caused  the Nile to rise and spill over its banks
Environmental challenges:
-  Thousands starved due to the Nile flood waters being a few feet lower because fresh silt for crops was reduced
-When flood waters were a few feet higher than normal, unwanted water destroyed homes, granaries and seeds for planting.
-Natural barriers forced Egyptians to be partially isolated
Egypt united to a kingdom:
- Egyptians lived-in farming villages with their own rituals, gods and beliefs.
-By 3200 B.C. the villages were under two kingdoms, lower and upper Egypt.
-King of lower Egypt wore a red crown anding of upper Egypt wore a white crown
-To the Egyptians, kings were gods . They believed their kinds ruled even after death
- eternal force- KA
-Old kingdom was the great age of pyramid building
- Religion was important in egypt
- Earlier egyptians were polytheistic
-They  believed in after life
-They had many gods and goddesses and worshiped more then 2000
- They built huge temples to honor the deities
-Egyptians believed they were judged for their deeds after death
- To win eternal life the heart should way no more then a feather they believed
- If the heart was heavy with sin then the Devourer of souls would eat their heart
-Royal and elite prepared for mummification
- People of all classes planned for burials
- Women Egypt had many of the same rights as men
-Scribes developed a calendar to keep track of floods  for planting season
- They developed forms of writing
- power of pharaohs ends in 2180 bc marking the end of the oldkingosm
The middle kingdom was created but didnt last
- Egypt would rise again for the new kingdom
Civilization was emerging in the Indus River valley


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