cyber class 3/16

Pericles, a statesman who led Athens in their Golden age, held onto popular support for 32 years. He was a politician, a general and a speaker who had great control on Athens. The age of Pericles was from 4B1 BC to 429 BC. His main 3 goals for Athens was to strengthen its Democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to make Athens beautiful. A direct democracy is a form of government where citizens rule and not through representatives, the people make most of the decisions. Pericles ruled with a direct democracy. Male citizens in Athens who served under the assembly established important politics regarding the polis. Ina direct democracy Pericles says, " everyone is equal before the law." Direct democracy doesn't include the discrimination between classes, but the actual ability in which a man has. If it is up to Pericles, no one will be outcasted because they are poor. The Delian league was an alliance between Greek city-states that was led by Athens. It was created in case of an revenge attacks from Persia because it strengthened their defense . Pericles also made Athens beautiful with the money from the Delian league


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