
Showing posts from January, 2020

class 1/30

Today in class people who werent here yesterday took the 75 point quiz on Mesopotamia. That quiz was pretty easy and id like to say that I only got 2 questions wrong. For the people that finished the quiz yesterday, today we are suppose to finish the text book pages from yesterday. I finished those pages after the quiz yesterday and did my blog for it at home. Today in class we also discussed geese and how the WAWA logo has a goose in it. Today is a dress down day, I love dress down days because its a chance to getup of our uniform. Today is also student appreciation day. For advisory we received donuts and they wherever good. As we are working today Mr. Schick was grading our quizes from yesterday and I can't wait to see what I got. Class was very chill today and I loved it.

pyramids on the nile

Delta-Begins100 miles before the river enters the Mediterranean Narmer-   Created a double crown from the red and white crowns to symbolize a United Kingdom Pharaoh- Egyptain god-kings Theocracy- government where rule is   based on religious authority Pyramid-   resting place after death for kings of the old kingdom Mummification-  embalming and drying out corps to prevent decay Papyrus- writing surface invetnded by the Egyptians West of the fertile crescent was an other river called the nile. The geography of Egypt: - From highlands of East Africa to the  Mediterranean Sea the nile flows, north across Africa for over    4,100 miles. -The nile is the longest river in the world - Egypts settlements are across the Nile on a narrow strip of fertile land from the river The gift of the Nile: -yearly flooding brought rich soil that allowed settlements to grow. - In July, rains+melting snow from mountains caused  the Nile to rise and spill over its banks Environmental challeng

Mesopotamia quiz review

Prehistoric era:before civilization , earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age. 200,000 years ago a human species emerged into Africa  agricultural revolution : villagers were polytheist, due to surplus of food, populations grew. Status of women decreased as women did more domestic duties. Invention of wheel and plow made it possible to produce food for storage. Modern day countries that are part of fertile countries- Turkey, Iraq, Iran,seria. Jordan was not. Mesopotamia is home  of the earliest cities. A district knows an Sumer occupied the land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Due to irrigation techniques population increased. Better food storage in the cities allowed for diversity in professions. Sumerians invented "Cuneiform" Which was the earliest form os writing. After this writing was created, Prehistory is over and history begin More on Mesopotamia is that pantheon of Sumerian gods+goddesses emerged. The works first surveying epic was " Epic of G

From Prehistory to Civilization

Before civilizations in the prehistoric era,   200,000 years ago a human species emerged into central Africa. the earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age also known as the goldstone age. There was also the neolithic age know as the new Stone Age. During the prehistoric are there was the agricultural revolution. During this time villagers were polytheistic, populations grew due to increased ability to produce a surplus of food, status of women was lowered as women were confined to more domestic duties, and the invention of the plow and wheel made it possible to produce enough food for storage. Some modern day countries that are part of the fertile crescent are- turkey, seria and Iraq. Jordan was not ( quiz question). Mesopotamia is home  of the earliest cities. A district knows an Sumer occupied the land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Due to irrigation techniques population increased. Better food storage in the cities allowed for diversity in professions. Sumerians invente

city-states in Mesopatamia

Terms&Names: The Fertile Crescent has to do with the regions curved shape and the richness of the soil of the land, because of its placement near the two rivers Tiguas and Euphrates. Mesopotamia is the land between the two rivers of Tiguas and Euphrates and its home to Sumer which is the first urban civilization in the region. A city-state was created. by the Sumerian culture and it is a city and its surrounding land it controlled. A Dynasty is a series of rulers that rule from a single family. Cultural diffusion is a new idea or product that spreads from 1 culture to another. Polytheism is a belief in more the one God, so typically not Christian faith. An empire brings together several people, nations or independent states and rulers. The Babylonian empire reached its peak during the Hammurabi time and involves the doing of the Hammurabi code which is when Hammurabi recognized that a single uniform code of laws would help to unite the different groups with his empire. Wh

First class of Western-civilization

Today in Western Civilization we walked into class and Mr.Schick gave us our seats. I did behind rex who is very tall. Most of the class met Mr. Shick for the first time and he is pretty funny. Mr. Shick told us that we will do our homework in class and the only homework we have is a blog post at home. The blog post has to be 150-200 words and it has to be about whatever we did in class. My expectations for this class is to learn smilier things to human geography. We also learned in class that our class name is super western civilization because regular sounds too lame. Mr sick is very strict about having our phones in the pockets. the book we read in class is called ancient world history and we will read that a lot. Mr.Shick is different from Mr Fendryk but I am very excited to learn more about western civilization.

My Human Geography Experience

My experience in human geography was very good. Everyday I walked into class there was positive energy, especially from Mr. Fendryk. My favorite topic was immigration because it was very cool to hear about different peoples migration stories. My most memorable class was the first day because I realized how cool Mr. Fendryk was. Human Geography wouldn't have been the same with out Mr.Fendryks humor and jokes. I am sad to leave Human Geography and wish I could continue.

God grew tired of us

1. How many people lost their lives from the civil war in Sudan?  2 million people 2. Who are the Lost Boys?  This was the name given to a group of over 20,000 boys of the  Nuer  and Dinka ethnic groups. These boys were displaced or orphaned during the Second Sudanese Civil War 3. What two things started the civil war in Sudan?  Religion and Oil 4. Who was fighting in the war?  Arabs in the north and Black Christians in the south 5. What hardships did the boys face on their journey to Ethiopia?  The boys lost their lives to hunger, exhaustion and dehydration. Some drowned crossing rivers and some were attacked by wild animals  many were caught in the crossfire of fighting forces 6.What happened to the refugee camp at Ethiopia? Once  Ethiopia  collapsed the Lost Boys had to leave 7. How many years did the Lost Boys walk total after the attacks on the villages? The lost boys walked for 5 years 8.In what ways to the boys eat differently than average Americans?  The boys

god grew tired of us viewing guide pt 2

8.In what ways to the boys eat differently than average Americans?  The boys eat weird combinations of food and don't eat the same way Americans eat their foods 9.What was John’s job at the age of 13?  He had to burry the children that died 10.How does sleeping in America compare to sleeping at the refugee camp?  In America they sleep in beds with mattresses, in camps they slept on the ground  11.How many months of assistance does the government provide? What happens after that time?  The government provides 3 months, after that they must repay and provide for themselves. 12.What holiday traditions do the boys want to know the meaning of?  The Christmas tree and Santa  13.What is John scared of doing? Why?  Ice Skating because of how tall he is 14.What are John’s jobs?  Gasket factory and McDonalds  15.What is Daniel’s job?  He processes checks at the bank 16.Why does Daniel think life in America is tough?  Peoples schedules are all different and there is barely anytime for family 

God grew tired of us reflect

Reflect:  What have you learned about Dinka culture? What markers from the film are representative of Dinka culture? Of American culture? What values do the Lost Boys hold? How do those values compare with your own? I have learned that Dinka culture is much  different   than   American   culture  because they all care about each other and love their  families  so much. Markers  include music, dance, clothing and language .  T hey value education, community, family, faith, and  hard work. These values compare with mine  because   I  also value faith and my  family  to a great extent.  • What questions and fears do the Lost Boys have about life in the U.S.? What questions and fears would you have if you were moving to a new place? What differences do you see between Dinka culture and American culture? What are some of the challenges the Lost Boys encounter? How do they adapt to life in the United States (think in terms of both assimilation and acculturation? How do you think you would