
Showing posts from February, 2020

page 139 questions

1. -Classical art was very valued in Ancient Greece and used by many people. -My favorite types of plays are  tragedy's  because I love the drama and suspense. -When I'm sad, I do what most ancient greeks would do when they were sad and watch a comedy since the humor can cheer you up. - The Peloponnesian war gave Athens a chance to show their strong navy an departs a chance to show their strong army. - The philosophers in ancient Greece thought wise then the ones today in my opinion - Socrates believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice, he was at teacher. - Plato wrote many famous works with his teacher being Socrates. - Aristotle was a philosopher who questioned the nature of the world 2. The goal in which Pericles made the greatest impact on the modern world was the goal of strengthening Athenian democracy. I chose this because the United States has democracy in it so by Pericles   going through challenged of strengthening it and making

Ancient Greece test day!!!

Today in Mr.Shicks class we took the ancient greece test! Considering I wasn't here for the review day to go over everything that would be on the test , I believe that I did pretty well. I struggled on a few questions but most of the test I understood. The next test we have I think that I'm going to make a quiz-let to help me. After the quiz Mr. Shick let us do whatever we wanted. I worked on my math homework and got it done so now I don't have any homework for the rest of the night. Once everyone had finished the test and turned it in we were aloud to go on our computers and write our blog. Most teachers don't let us turn on our computers until the tests are turn in because they never know if someone is cheating or not.Western Civilization was a very good class today and I cannot wait to find out what I got on my test.


Ella Steck was absent because she was sick

Powerpoint on early greece continued

Draconian= very harsh Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from around 527-510 BCE. his brother was murderd and he was afraid  so his rules started to become very harsh. Eventually he was expelled from Athens (Ostracized) In revenge he works with the Persian king- Darius l, helping invade Marathon which is a city. Persians were in Asia Minor. When hippies left, igsngoras+ cleisthenes (both aristocrats)got into a power struggle. Isgnoras had support from fellow aristocrats, plus Sparta,he had the rich majority. Cleisthenes had support of a majority of Athens. Isagoras wins but not for long.- he becomes archon eponymous- tyrant. He ostracizes cleisthenes, who supports the ordianinry athenian people who revolt against isagorus tyranny. They had him trapped for 2 days on the polis and on the 3rd day hefted and was banished Cleistheneshas power and its the start of democracy -  508  BCE.  Cleisthenes- definitely a member of the elite, very rich, insulted the "hot polo" and he was acra

Democracy and Greeces golden age

Democratic principles and classical culture flourished during Greeks golden age. Direct democracy-Form of government  where citizens rule directly and not through representatives  classical art- Their values of harmony, order, balance and proportion tragedy- a serious drama love hate and war comedy- contained slapstick situations and crude humor. Peloponnesian war-  war between Sparta and Athens philosopher-  they were thinkers "lovers of wisdom" socrates- a critic of sophists plato- student of socrates Aristotle-   philosopher who questioned the nature of the world For close to 50 years Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning. The period known as the golden age contained drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy   , architecture and science, which all reached new peaks.A wise statesman Pericles ledAthens most of the golden age. He was honest and fair and held popular support for 32 years. he dominated in the age of Pericles from 461-

warring city states part 2

Some essential government terms: During the sevenths and sixth century BCE aristocrats ran the show in most of Greece. They attended symposiums where elite men would enjoy wine and poetry and performances. They also enjoyed the company of hetaeras while discussing politics. Politics were an "exclusive club" where no mens were allowed only for entertainment, no middle class, no slaves and sometimes even aristocrats were excluded. Sometimes Aristocrats would form alliances with hoplites which ere well armed soldiers and  they set up a form of government called a tyranny. a tyrant is someone who rules outside the framework of the polis. Draco 621 BCE- all athenians were under equal law, death was punishment for many crimes, debt slavery is OK. Solons reforms, outlaws debt slavery, all athenian citizens can speak at the assembly, any citizens can press charges against wrong doers. Cleisthenes: More reforms around 500 BCE, allowed citizens to submit laws for debate at the assembl

Greece power pint: Trojan War

The Trojan-war (fact or fiction) Greeks have fought in many wars overtime. the Trojan War was fought around 1200 BCE. What started the Trojan War is, Paris judged the goddess Aphrodite, "the fairest". Aphrodite made Helen (who was married) fall in love with Paris, who took her back to Troy. This was part of greek mythology. Around 1200 BCE the mysterious, "sea people" began to invade Mycenae and burn the place. So, the Dorians moved into the war-torn region. The Dorians were: Far lesser advanced, the trade based economy collapsed and writing disappeared for 400 Years. Greek oral tradition- stories passed on my word of mouth. Homer lived at the end of the " greek dark ages" he composed stories of the Trojan war (epics) 750-700 b.c. He wrote the Odyssey and the Iliad. A question that is very common is, did homer exist? Homer may have been a mythological creature himself or he may have been real.

Power Point Continued

Today in class, Mr. Shick let different people teach the class. First Trevor taught and did a pretty well job. Then Connor taught, but he was very strict. The final person who taught was Matteo. Matteo did so amazing and should definitely teach again. Class was very fun and it was a nice break from all the note taking. There was also a important discussion in class about using the bathroom. I agree with the people who said we should be timed because some people leave the room for 15-20 minutes when they say they're,  "using the bathroom." That is not smart on the students part because they are missing valuable material. In the end it is on the students and their grade will reflect their non-intelligent decisions. Some early people- first, Mycenaeans The Mycenaean influences began around 2000 BCE. Mycenae is coated on a rocky ridge on Peloponnesus protected by a 20-foot thick wall. Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1100  BCE. 1400 BCE the Mycenaeans invaded Cret

power point (ancient) greece is the word

All of the worlds great civilization are all located on watcher, typically rivers. - Mesopotamia/ Tigris + Euphrates River - Egypt/ Nile river -Indian/ Indus river - China/Huang he river Culture of the mountains and sea: What bodies of water surround Greece? Aegean, Ionian and Adriatic What large island is to the southeast? Crete Athens and Sparta are on there coast and are relatively close to each other Greece is mountainous peninsula where mountains cover 3/4 of the land. 2000 islands are in the ionian and Aegean Sea. this combination has shaped Greece: they had many skilled sailors and ship builders , farmers, workers and wearers/potters were very important as well. they had to trade because of limited natural resources. It was difficult to unite Ancient Greece because of the terrain. They developed small independent communities called city-states, in which they were loyal to. Greece was very small and even thought fertile valleys cover 1/4 of the land only 20% is arabl

warring city-states

The growth of city-states in Greece led to the development of severals political systems including democracy. polis:    city-state , fundamental unit Acropolis:    fortified hilltop that citizens gathered to discuss government monarchy: single person, king ruled a government aristocracy: government ruled by a small group of noble families oligarchy: government ruled by a few powerful people tyrant : leaders who would work grr the interests of ordinary people democracy: government " ruled by the people" helot: peanuts forced to stay one the land the worked phalanx: fearsome formation that became the most powerful fighting force in the ancient world Persian wars: between Greece and Persian empire during the dorian period, greek civilization experienced a decline. Two things changed in Greece, Dorians and Mycenaeans alike, began to identify less with the culture of their ancestors and by the end of this period the method of governing areas changed from tribal to more

page 126- greece

1. Mycenaean : The people who lived in the city of Mycenae and settled on the greek mainland were known as the Mycenaeans. Trojan War : The Trojan War was fought for 10 long hears between the Mycenaeans and Troy. Dorian : The Dorian s were a less advanced, new group of people that moved into the war-torn countryside after the Mycenaeans. Homer: Homer was a blind man, who supposedly is the best storyteller of Ancient Greek times. Epics: An epic is where heroic deeds were written in narrative poem form. homer composed them. Myth: Myths were stories of gods, created by the greeks, that were traditional. 3. The greeks being near the sea, the rarely had to travel much/far, the different seas were important to transportation routes for trading, sea travel and skilled sailors. Trade was important since Greece lacked natural resources. 4. The Mycenaeans adopted many things from the Minoans into their culture. Things such as, seaborne trade, writing systems, decoration designs

classical Greece

2000 B.C.- 300 B.C. In the Greek city-state of Athens, a new form of government developed- democracy- In which citizens exercised power. Alexander the great spread greek culture throughout much of Asia. Greek, Egyptain and Asian cultures blended to create the Hellenistic culture. Athens assumed control of a defense league and built it into a empire. Alexander conquered the Persian empire to form his own The roots of greek culture are used on interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan and dorian cultures. Mycenaean: People who settled on the greek mainland Trojan war: Mycenaeans fought a 10 year war against troy Dorian: Moved into the war-torn countryside. Homer: the greatest story teller who was blind. epic: narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds myth: traditional stories about the Greek gods In ancient times, Greece was not a united country. Ancient Greece consisted mainly of mountains and there were 2000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Sea.the seas shapped Greece civilizations

Power point continued

Earliest Egyptians formed small pictures known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics were the earliest form of writing for the ancient Egyptians. Egyptain script was usually written in ink on papyrus. Papyrus was made from mashed nile reeds, it was stored in scrolls and the scrolls were in the book if ancient Egypt. Egyptain astronomers created a calendar with 12 months and 365 days. Egyptain doctors wrote a lot on health issues and created potions/cures for common sicknesses. Egyptians had a lot of knowledge on human anatomy. Wooden sailboats were constructed to increase transportation ability on the Nile. The delta is the area where the Nile widens and enters the Mediterranean Sea. Cataracts are rapid sin the Nile. The nile was 4,100 miles long which is the longest river ever. The pyramids were massive stone tombs, originally covered in marble. The temple of Amon at Karnak is the largest religious building. Stone sculptured showed plantings of humans and godss. Rossetta stone  is found nea

Egypt notes, power point

Today in we class we took more notes on Egypt. LAND OF THE PHARAOHS Upper Egypt was a 500 mile long strip of fertile land across the nile river. Lower Egypt was a wide land of nile delta, emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is one of the only major rivers that flows from the south to the north. It was the major provider of life for the Egyptians. Around 3100 B.C. the lands were united under a single king/pharaoh- Narmer/Menes. A pharaoh was a very powerful king, looked at like a god and worshipped like one too. They were connected to many other Egyptian gods and goddesses as well.    The Egyptians relied on harmony and balance of the universe which is called, "maat" names after the goddess maat. Pharaohs had multiple wives. Women could inherit money and divorce their husbands. there were even a few women Pharaohs( like Cleopatra ) Gods were often with animal heads or bodies. Egyptians believes in ka:afterlife. They mummified gods to preserve them for their post

class 2/3

Today in class, majority of the people who were sick last week were today. Because of that, the people who finished then Egypt notes last week and took the test did nothing today. In class I worked on my math homework that's due tomorrow. I organized my books and cleaned out my pencil case. Tomorrow I am prepared to take a lot of notes on Egypt and I am expecting a quiz on Egypt soon. Mr.Schick told us about how last year he made a girl cry because of how hard his final exam was. We also talked about the halftime show from the super bowl last night. I got a 75/75 on the Mesopotamia quiz and I was very proud of myself. I now have a 98% in Western civilization because I turned in a blog a day late because I thought that blogs could be do on Saturday from Friday. Western Civilization was very chill today and I much needed it.