
Showing posts from March, 2020


COVID-19 has surely brought a change to the entire world! Students and teachers are facing new challenges such as, being more independent with work, having more work, not being able to get feedback, having to stress over the amount of work someone gives us or we have to do etc. Cyber school is different to some classes, especially class of 2020, but most likely not teachers who have worked at JC a while. From what I've been told, there have been cyber days when we've had off school for snow, but not nearly as long of a break like this. Students have new responsibilities like waking up at a decent time so they don't ruin their sleep schedule, getting all their work done inn a good bout of time so they aren't stressed, not plagiarizing or cheating so they don't go against the honor pledge etc. Students really need to get done time management. Teachers have new responsibilities and goals too like giving enough work where they are able to grade it in a decent time, actu


The plague of Athens long ago was a horrible deadly disease that wiped out most of Athens. In fact, 25% of the city's population died. The plagues symptoms included a high fever, diarrhea, weakness, chills etc. It's crazy to think that a sickness like that can come out of no where and kill many people. This plague is similar to the corona virus in many ways. First off, both sicknesses were very unexpected, leaving not much time to prepare for recovery and other things. Symptoms of the corona virus include; fever, weakness, cough etc. A similarity between corona virus and the plague of Athens is they both include a fever and weakness. Both of these sicknesses are deadly as well, there have been 468,644 deaths so far from the corona virus. They both wipe out populations. These sicknesses have such an impact to the world not just because of the amount of people dying but because of the effects on money and jobs etc.


Philip the second: Philip  was the son of Charles V who was the reigning Holy Roman emperor and Isabella of Portugal. Philip was born on May 21 1527.  In 1555 Charles resigned the Netherlands to his son Philip and he also  resigned the kingdoms of Spain, the Spanish overseas empire, and the Franche-Comté to Philip. Philip was the ruler of one of the largest empires ever! He once tried to expand the power of  Spain as well. Philip died from an assassination by one of his body guards when he was 46 years old. Alexander the great: Alexander was born in Ancient Greece in the Pella region. He was born on July 20, 356 B.C. His parents were  King Philip II of Macedon and Queen Olympia, daughter of King Neoptolemus. Alexander was once tutored by the famous philosopher Aristotle. Alexander the great was king od Macedonia for less then 13 years but he had a great impact on history. He created a great empire that expanded from Macedonia to  Egypt and from Greece to a part of India. He was also


Relationship between Alexander and Bucephalus. Alexander was a man and Bucephalus was a horse. Alexander was the only person who could ride him making them inseparable. Alexander rode him  into every battle from the conquest  of  the Greek city-states and Thebes through Gaugamela and into India. They were great  fighters   together  as well. Alexander and Bucephalus  first met when Alexander was at the age of 13 years old. Alexander of Macedonia won the horse by making a deal with his father, a horse dealer offered Bucephalus to Alexanders father, King Phillip the second for the price of 13 talents. Bucephalus was a large black stallion and was untamable until Alexander got a hold of him. One day Bucephalus died and Alexander was very upset. Something that shows the great love between the man and the horse is the fact that Alexander named a city after Bucephalus after the horse passed away! The man and the horse was very compatible and because Alexander was the only person who could


This week was the first week of our cyber school week due to the corona virus. My daily schedule has been, wake up, do my work, finish around 11, eat breakfast, go for a run and hang out with my family. I can't say I hate this lifestyle because we all need a break sometime but it will start to get boring. I love how the teachers aren't giving us too much work thought because I am stressed with the amount of work I already am receiving. The only thing I don't like about the online work is taking tests. I had a math test and the questions were timed! It was very stressful. I am very satisfied with the amount of work you are giving us because I am learning from it but its not too much. It is the same amount of homework you give us everyday in class. I do miss seeing everyone and the social part of school. I am sort of stressed about the virus but I know that this will all be over very soon.

3/19 work

People like Socrates would have a great reasoning for questioning traditional beliefs in this point of history. Up until the point of history that they are at in the video, everything was going well they way it was because of Pericles. But Pericles died and things were changing. Things were out of order, laws were getting harsher etc. The only thing that people like Socrates sought to do was to find a change that would actually work. Like everyone knows, Socrates was Avery wise Philosopher who thought different then many people.  Some people agreed with how he thought and others didn't. Socrates started questioning traditional beliefs because he knew that the way things were going at that point weren't working and there was way Athens would've survived if they kept up with their horrible behavior. What wasn't working was how people didn't have anyone follow or look upon for leadership because Pericles died. So there was no order. Socrates being as wise as he is was


Athens plan unfolding: The spartans invaded the farmland on Athens and set about burning their crops etc. Because of Pericles good reputation he got the Athenians to stick with their plants defeat the Spartans. Athens could rely on shipments from oversea and the fleet to survive. What Pericles didnt know was that the fleet had a great threat to Athens. One year into the war there was a plague from the additional cargo from the ships. The disease would determinant Athens, Pericles couldn't do anything now to stop it. s=Since all of Athens was crammed behind city-walls, the disease spread tremendously. Symptoms included heats on head and inflammation of the eyes, and when the disease spread to the bowls there was uncontrolling diarrhea. The city was dirty, smelly and terrible.  It was so horrible that people stopped caring about rules, religion and laws. People saw no pointing being good since, "the good and the evil die just as equally." The plague killed over a third of

cyber class 3/16

Pericles, a statesman who led Athens in their Golden age, held onto popular support for 32 years. He was a politician, a general and a speaker who had great control on Athens. The age of Pericles was from 4B1 BC to 429 BC. His main 3 goals for Athens was to strengthen its Democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to make Athens beautiful. A direct democracy is a form of government where citizens rule and not through representatives, the people make most of the decisions. Pericles ruled with a direct democracy. Male citizens in Athens who served under the assembly established important politics regarding the polis. Ina direct democracy Pericles says, " everyone is equal before the law." Direct democracy doesn't include the discrimination between classes, but the actual ability in which a man has. If it is up to Pericles, no one will be outcasted because they are poor. The Delian league was an alliance between Greek city-states that was led by Athens. It was created

video part 2

A revolution began in 490 BC in Greece that changed the world. Between Athens and Persian, spread across land and sea that will last over a decade. This battle changes the course of civilization. Phidipidies ran from Marathon to Athens to tell the Athenians that the Persians were coming to attack. His quest was for survival.In the early fifth century BC the Persians were very strong. But then Athens started gaining power, threatening the Persians. The Persians knew they had to destroy Athens in order to win. The greeks are people who emphasize freedom while the Persians follow obedience. Themistocles  was the leader of Athens, he was very cocky but not many people loved him. He was a great leader tho and he was known as the savior of his city. He believed that Persia would attack again. Athenians were defeated by land but very strong by navy. The Athenians trienes were boats that were used as weapons for sea battles. In 483 BC the Athenians found a great amount of riches and wanted to

video today

Greeks layed the foundation for western civilization. Their achievements are what shape our world. Heracles was a very famous greek politician. Panamanian ruled the streets of Athens at one point. Cliesthenes had been brought up from birth to be a ruler and save Athens. He thought that orderly people should shape their own destiny and have their own freedom. He was born around 570 BC and was born into one of the richest families in Greece, alkamihoded. He grew up in a world of great privilege, especially for men. Once before his grandfather did great thing for an old king. His family was very greedy, starting with his ancestors. Cleithens was an aristocrat, he grew up that way. Greece used to be called Hellas. Athens was built around the acropolis.Reading and writing was a rare skill for those Athenians. Life was very tough, it was no society of equality. Athens was turned against itself with the different politics holding power. The greatest civilizations in Cletheines day was based o

Power Point Continued

Today in class we started learning about philosophers like Socrates and Plato. Socrates was A very fair man who thought that you shouldnt tell people what to do, you should make them think themselves and have their ownaopinions. Plato was a student Socrates who kept his memory alive by writing down all of his teachings and turning them into books. Philosopherlopaloza- Socrates(first) -Looked to science and logic for explanations of how the world worked. -Socratic method fostered critical thinking -" The unexamined life is not worth living"- Socrates -Socrates was charged with serious crimes because he disrespected the gods and corrupted with the youth of Athens. - Socrates never denied what he did and he was found   guilty and  sentenced to death by drinking Poison Hemlock. -He had the option to live but he denied the offer because he didn't think it was fair Plato carries on: - Plato was a student of Socrates and he wrote out Socrates teachings( apology) and he

Powerpoint continued

Greeks were certainly warlike people- especially the spartans. Spartans were known fro their tough, ruthless infantry: soldiers who fought on land.Spartan boys trained since they were 7. Athens- naval power Athens had a great infantry, but nothing compared to their navy. Their most effective weapon was the Trireme: -Fastest ship in the world at the time -Rowed up to 170 men and on 3 levels -could bemused as a battering ram -agile, fast The Phalanx: -close-rank, dense grouping of warriors -armed with long spears and interlocking shields. -soldiers would advance slowly towards the enemy. Persian Empire vs. Greece -Greece appears little and insignificant -Persian empire is high with a huge army Greek army: iron weapons=affordable Hoplites trains young Well armed with the phalanx Home field advance Persian army: Do damage from a distance calvary-they rode horses lightly armored infantry huge numbers, far from home pro army. with mercenaries-solders for hire 490 BC:

Gods and Goddesses

The gods interaction with humans is what makes their relationship with greeks unique. Poseidon(god of the sea) interfered with Odysseus trying to return home. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and she had lovers of gods and men. Dionysus was the god of win and was the son of Zeus and Semele(human princess).   Zeus was the ruler of the heaven and earth; he was the father of Athena. He had a temper and was known to hurl thunderbolts. He was at the top of the Pantheon. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, warfare and peace. She was born straight from Zeus's forehead, fully formed and armed. Athens was named after her. Apollo was the god of arts, knowledge and healing. Zeus was his father. Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Demeter (goddess of agriculture) was the sister of Zeus. I loved learning about the greeks gods and goddesses today and I can't wait to learn more.

Democracy notes

Today in Western Civilization we had Ms. Jacques as a sub. Direct democracy-Form of government  where citizens rule directly and not through representatives  classical art- Their values of harmony, order, balance and proportion tragedy- a serious drama love hate and war comedy- contained slapstick situations and crude humor. Peloponnesian war-  war between Sparta and Athens philosopher-  they were thinkers "lovers of wisdom" socrates- a critic of sophists plato- student of socrates Aristotle-   philosopher who questioned the nature of the world The period known as the golden age contained drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy   , architecture and science, which all reached new peaks.A wise statesman Pericles led Athens most of the golden age. He held popular support for 32 years. He dominated in the age of Pericles from 461-429 B.C. To strengthen democracy, he increased the number of public officials. Athens had more citizens  engaged in self governm